
* 论文摘要请参考会议手册 第51-131页
2012年5月17日 (星期四)           上午9:00 – 10:30
S1  (上午9:00-11:30)
Moderator: Virginia Shih

  1. Sources on Chinese overseas: traces in business archives at the Hung On-To Memorial Library of the University of Hong Kong (Edith CHAN, University of Hong Kong)
  2. From Criticism to Mutual Support: Richmond Public Library’s Relationship with the Cantonese Speaking Community (Wendy JANG, Richmond Public Library)
  3. Bilingual Metadata and Discovery – Don’t Let Your Chinese Archives Get Lost In Translation (Lilly LI and Allan CHO, University of British Columbia)
  4. Telling the Story of the Chinese of California in the 19th and Early 20th Centuries: A Collaborative Online Exhibition (Theresa SALAZAR, University of California, Berkeley)
  5. Library Marketing for Southeast Asia Chinese Overseas Special Collections: Transnational Discovery & Delivery (Virginia Jing-yi SHIH, University of California, Berkeley)
Moderator: Guotu Zhuang

  1. 移民與難民:加拿大緬甸華人移民社群的形構與變遷  (台灣國立歷史博物館 翟振孝)
  2. 1980年后福州向美国的移民及其发展变化 (福建社会科学院 黄英湖)
  3. 八闽新侨觅缘踪  史海钩沉东西洋——庄国土教授主持编纂《福建新移民调查资料汇编》与《清代华侨史补充资料》中美国部分之析介(厦门大学  张长虹)
Moderator: Paul Crowe

  1. Participation of Chinese Pioneers in British Columbia Salmon Canneries, 1880’s to 1920’s (Rudy M.T. CHIANG)
  2. Chung Nye of New Westminster, B.C – A Canadian Story from the Perspective of Chinese Pioneers living in B.C. during the 1880’s to 1920’s (Rudy M.T. CHIANG)
  3. The transformation of funerary landscape by the evolution of Chinese burials in Burnaby, BC (Maurice GUIBORD)
Moderator: Liren Zheng

  1. Colorado’s Celestials (Katie ADAMSON, University of Colorado Denver)
  2. Chinese Chicago: Transnational Migration and Business, 1870s-1940s (Huping LING, Truman State University)
  3. The Growth and Sustainability of Chinese American Nonprofit Organizations in U.S. Metropolitan Areas (Chi-kan Richard HUNG, University of Massachusetts)
  4. From Cultural Anxiety to Social Mobilization: The Making of a Chinese American Community in Boston, 1840s-1930s (Wing-kai TO, Bridgewater State University)
S5: Forced Migration and Refugeedom: A Neglected Aspect of Chinese Overseas Studies
Moderator: Glen Peterson

  1. Exile and Imagined Homeland: Cultural Nostalgia and the Mainlander Native Place Associations in Taiwan, 1962-1987 (Dominic Meng-Hsuan YANG, University of British Columbia)
  2. Overseas Chinese Refugees in the People’s Republic of China: A Neglected Field of Study (Glen PETERSON, University of British Columbia)
  3. Transborder Sovereignty: Chinese “Coolie” Migration to the Americas and the Limits of the Nation-State (Elliott YOUNG, Lewis & Clark College)
S6: Researching the Chinese Presence in Atlantic Canada-Family and Place
Moderator: James Morrison

  1. Where East meets Eastern: Chinese early migration to Atlantic Canada (James H. MORRISON, Saint Mary’s University)
  2. More than meets the eye: An examination of archival materials related to Chinese immigration in Nova Scotia, with specific reference to Halifax  (Grace BELL, Saint Mary’s University)
  3. The Lees: a Chinese family’s century in Halifax (Albert LEE, Chinese Canadian photographer)


2012年5月17日 (星期四)           上午 10:45 – 下午12:15
Moderator: Xiuming Zhang

  1. 海外青田人社团、商贸投资与回乡参政 (暨南大学 高伟浓)
  2. 加拿大台山华侨与台山县立中学 (五邑大学 黄海娟)
  3. 海外新华侨华人子女文化传承状况考论(暨南大学 鞠玉华)
  4. 家庭团聚是移民法体系的核心—美国、加拿大家庭团聚移民政策分析 (华中师范大学  李其荣)
Moderator: Henry Yu

  1. Million Dollar Mile – Media Submission (Karin LEE, Filmmaker & Instructor)
  2. From C to C: Chinese Canadian Stories of Migration 《金山梦——中国与加拿大的故事》 (Jordan PATERSON, Simon Fraser University)
Moderator: Liren Zheng

  1. Chinese picture books at the Northeast Kansas Library System member libraries: A descriptive approach (Anna Ching-Yu WONG, Syracuse University iSchool)
  2. Multiple Identities of Chinese Americans and Responses from Chinese in Mainland China: A Case Study of Gary Locke (美国华人的多元认同及中国民众的反应:以骆家辉为例的分析) (Yiping CHEN, Jinan University)
  3. Chinese Gods in New American Homes? Material Religion, Rituals, and Community (Jonathan H. X. LEE, San Francisco State University and Vivian-Lee NYITRAY, University of California Riverside)
 Moderator: Evelyn Hu-Dehart

  1. Eileen Chang: Self-Translation of the Diaspora (Jessica Tsui Yan LI, York University)
  2. Ethnicity in Transit: Eileen Chang, Translation, and Cold War America (Chris LEE, University of British Columbia)
  3. Flipping the Script? The Performance of Chinese Fatherhood and the Question of Belonging in Anglo- Caribbean Fiction (Anne-Marie Lee-Loy, Ryerson University)
  4. Coolie Encodings: the significance of the coolie and the free laborer in early 20th century Chinese boycott literature (Elizabeth Evans WEBER, University of California, Los Angeles)

  1. The Forgotten Ties: First Nations and Early Chinese Immigrants Relationship in BC (1858~1947) (Lily CHOW, Researcher & Writer)
  2. A Journey to Serve:  A Chinese American Woman’s Service in the Canadian Armed Forces during WW II (Sharyne Shiu THORNTON, The International District Housing Alliance)
  3. Ethnic Enclave? Sex and the Myth of Isolation in Twentieth Century Chinese Canadian History (Elise CHENIER, Simon Fraser University)
  4. Migration, Identities, and Transformation (Xiong GU, University of British Columbia

2012年5月17日 (星期四)          下午 1:30 – 3:00

S12: Searching the Value Oversea: Stories of Chinese American Librarians (下午1:30-4:45)
Moderator: Shuyong Jiang

  1. Finding the Chinese-American Self in Scholarly Activities and Achievements (Shuyong JIANG, University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign)
  2. Organizational Action Makes the Visibility of Chinese librarians (Lisa ZHAO, University of Illinois at Chicago)
  3. Achievements, contributions and characteristics of Chinese American Librarians (Qi CHEN, Argosy University)
  4. Chinese Americans in LIS Education (Ling Hwey JENG, Texas Woman’s University)
  5. Dr. Hua-wei Lee and his contribution to Sino-American Librarianship (Huanwen CHENG & Lei WANG, Sun Yat-Sen University)
Moderator: Xiuming Zhang

  1. 论民国时期侨刊对侨乡社会的建构—以台山侨刊为切入点 (五邑大学广东侨乡文化研究中心 姚婷)
  2. 华侨华人民间文献多重价值初探 (暨南大学 徐云、朱丽娜)
  3. 近代广东侨刊研究——以《香山旬报》为中心 (广东省立中山图书馆 倪俊明)
  4. 美國華人與國家認同、國民觀念的重建–以舊金山華文報紙對民國成立的反應為中心 (臺灣中央研究院 湯熙勇)
S14: Chinese and Aboriginal Relations; Acknowledgment and Affirmation (Organized by by Chinese Canadian Historical Society of British Columbia)
Moderator: Diana Leung                  
S15: Diversities and Similarities of Chinese Overseas Society: A Comparative Perspective (下午1:30-4:45)
Moderator: Min Zhou

  1. The Current State of Chinese America: International Migration, Modes of Incorporation, and the Challenges of Success (Min ZHOU, University of California, Los Angeles)
  2. Brain Circulation and Transnational Chinese: Highly Skilled New Migrants in China, Singapore, and Britain (Hong LIU, Nanyang Technological University)
  3. 当代“地缘组织”的精英模式:日本华侨社会个案研究 (日本武藏野美术大学 廖赤阳)
  4. The Transition and the Transformation of Chinatowns in Japan (Wei WANG, National University of Kagawa)
  5. Multi-stream Flows Re-shaped Chinese Communities in Canada (Kenny ZHANG, Asia Pacific Foundation of Canada)
  6. New Chinese Migrant Community in Cambodia: A Fieldwork Report (James K. CHIN, University of Hong Kong)
S16: China in the Overseas Imaginary: Huaqiao and the Strengthening China Movement
Moderator: John Price

  1. The Chinese Consolidated Benevolent Association and China, 1884-1922 (Ying LIU and Tina BEBBINGTON, University of Victoria)
  2. The Transpacific Fights of the Dare-to-Die Vanguard of the Overseas Chinese, 1915-1916 (Zhongping CHEN, University of Victoria)
  3. Victoria Cheung and the War of Resistance against Japanese Imperialism (John PRICE, University of Victoria)
2012年5月17日 (星期四)          下午3:15 – 4:45
Moderator: Shibao Guo

  1. Pioneer Pacific Chinatowns: Tracing the Chinese Diaspora in History (Judy Lam MAXWELL, Chinese Canadian Military Museum)
  2. From Chinatown to Ethnoburb: The Chinese in Toronto (Arlene CHAN, Toronto Public Library)
  3. Places in Time: Myth, Origin and Death in Global Chinatowns (Cindy Hing-Yuk WONG, City University of New York & Gary MCDONOGH, Bryn Mawr College)
  4. Immigration, Ethnicity and Diaspora Communities: The Study of Three Chinese Cultural Centres in Canada (Shibao GUO, University of Calgary)
S18: Researching and Writing Family Histories; a Celebration of Chinese Canadian Roots (Organized by Chinese Canadian Historical Society of British Columbia)
Moderator: CCHS
S19: A Chinese Reformer in Exile: Kang Youwei and the Baohuanghui in North America
Moderator: Jane Leung Larson

  1. Kang Youwei’s Travels in Canada, the United States, and Mexico, 1899–1909: An Outline of His Itinerary (Robert L. WORDEN, Library of Congress)
  2. The United States as a Site for Baohuanghui Activism (Jane Leung LARSON, Baohuanghui Scholarship)
  3. Kang Youwei in Canada and the Early Development of Baohuanghui in North America, 1899-1905 (Zhongping CHEN, University of Victoria)
  4. Kang Youwei and the Baohuanghui in Mexico: When Two Nationalisms Collide (Evelyn HU-DEHART, Brown University)

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