

* 论文摘要请参考会议手册第51-131页

2012年5月18日(星期五)   上午 9:00 – 10:30                        

S20:  (上午9:00-11:30)
Moderator: Hwa-wei Lee

  1.  “Chinese Canadian Stories”: a University – Community Collaboration Project (Allan CHO & Yu LI, University of British Columbia)
  2. Preserving History and Exploring Resources: A  U.S. – China Experience (Ying XU, California State University)
  3. My experience with the Ron Bick Lee collection as a young archivist (Qinqin ZHANG, University of British Columbia)
  4. Internment Notices in Newspaper Published in Cebu, Philippines: A Source for Chinese Bio-Profiles (Gyo MIYABARA, Osaka University)
  5. The Tung Wah Coffin Home Archives and Studies of Global Chinese Networking (Honming Yip, Chinese University of Hong Kong)
S21: 华人文学中的文化与移民)  (上午9:00-11:30)
Moderator: Chiyang Liao

  1. 日华作家的“日本论” (日本武藏野美术大学 廖赤阳)
  2. 后方修马华文学史建构上的冲突:现实主义作家与留台作家 (日本立教大学 舛谷锐)
  3. 寓言书写和语言策略:以李永平、张贵兴为例(日本学术振兴会 及川茜)
  4. 馬華抗戰文學:中國抗戰文學的傳播與接受的探討(馬來西亞博特拉大學 莊華興)
  5. 全球化視野下的華文文學 (巨濟大學 吕晓琳)
S22: Canadian Law, Intermarriage and Ethnic Relations for Chinese immigrants and Aboriginal Canadians
Moderator: Henry Yu

  1. Intermarriage between First Nations women and the early Chinese male immigrants (Senator Lillian Eva (Quan) DYCK)
  2. Experiences of immigrant Chinese Women with Canadian Immigration (1950-1990) (Senator Vivienne POY)
  3. Challenges of Social Integration for Chinese Immigrants in Toronto (Jack H.T. LEONG, University of Toronto)


S23: Pacific connections: Chinese in Australia and New Zealand
Moderator: Manying Ip

  1. Paper trails:  Anglo-Chinese Australians and the White Australia Policy (Kate BAGNALL, Independent scholar)
  2. Navigating Policies and the Seas: Mobile Migrant Merchants of Wing Sang & Co. and Wing On & Co. (Heidi H. KONG, University of British Columbia)
  3. ‘Going Bananas’:  the Chinese in bicultural New Zealand (Manying IP, (University of Auckland)
S24 (上午9:00-11:30)
Moderator: Jeffrey Ferrier

  1. The new Peruvian-Chinese Association (APCh) or the heirs of the Dragon (Isabelle LAUSENT-HERRERA, French National Research Center)
  2. Lost Nation: Malayan Communist party in the 1930s (Anna Belogurova, UBC)
  3. Transpacific Steam: Mexico and the unexplored case of the China Commercial Steamship Company (1903-1913) (Ruth MANDUJANO, University of British Columbia)
  4. Chinese Thai Remigration: From Thailand to the United States (Jiemin BAO, University of Nevada)
  5. The Ambivalent Alliance: Chinese Policy towards Indonesia, 1960-1965 (Taomo ZHOU, Cornell University)
 Moderator: Junming Ni

  1. Moving words and images: Chinese rare collections at UBC (Jing LIU, University of British Columbia)
  2. Cambridge Chinese Rare Book and Manuscript Collections: Discoveries and Rediscoveries of Items Related to Robert Morrison and the Taiping Rebellion (Kang TCHOU, Cambridge University)
  3. 論UBC亞圖所藏中文善本古籍的文物價值與文獻價值 (四川師範大學 管錫華 / 加拿大卑诗大學 吳欣欣)

2012年5月18日(星期五)   上午 10:45 – 下午12:15

Moderator: Angela Ko

  1. 以「加拿大华裔作家协会」出版的作品选集为例,试谈「加华作家」的家(加)国情怀与表现 (香港中文大学 陈露明)
  2. 本土身分的建構與反思──以阿濃的散文為例The Construction and Reflection of Local Identity: A Case Study of A Nong’s Prose (香港中文大學 馬輝洪/ 多倫多大學 梁恒達)
  3. 加拿大的华人文学及其收藏 (Macy ZHENG, McGill University)
  4. 二十世纪上半叶的加拿大华人文学∶古典诗的写作活动和异地化 (Laifong LEUNG, University of Alberta)
S27: Chinese Women in the Northwest Americas by CINARC (Panel proposal submitted by Chinese in Northwest America Research Committee)
Moderator: Glen Peterson

  1. Public and Private Steps towards Chinese Women’s Rights in California and the Pacific Northwest (Bennet BRONSON)
  2. Identity issues, Values, and Cultures as seen in Neillie Towers Yip, Sue Gee Jackman, and Jennie Wong Diment (Larry WONG)
  3. Immigration Policies and Cultural Prejudice:  Ladies who crossed the boundaries – “prostitutes” in the Northwestern region before 1920 (Chuimei HO)
Evelyn Hu-Dehart

  1. Early Life to Yuan Shikai and the Formation of Yuan Family (KaChuen GEE, City University of New York and Sheau-Yueh CHAO)
  2. Kuomintang’s Influence in East Canada and beyond: A Case Study of Shing Wah Daily News (Stephen QIAO, University of Toronto)
  3. The Hong Men Min Chih Tang Association of Cuba: 125 Years Developing Friendship, Fraternity, and Assistance (Mitzi ESPINOSA LUIS, Nacional Association Min Chih Tang)
  4. Chinese Freemason’s Lantern and Chinese Canadians: The Transnational Vestige of Chinese Overseas Heritage (Tzu-I CHUNG, Royal British Columbia Museum)


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